Friday, September 17, 2010


There's one in every neighborhood -- the aspiring George Romero with the Halloween yard display right out of Night of the Living Dead. ("They're coming to get you Barbara.") In my neighborhood, that would be Dano Needhammer, erstwhile Disney kitchen manager currently holding body and soul together as a self-employed pinata maker. For the past ten years, I've watched from a distance as Dano expanded his Mausoleum Museum, adding new handmade features to the point that it now encompasses both his front and back yards. I never had a reason to bother him before I started writing this blog. So, last night, as I passed his house on my way to the grocery store, I saw him working in his garage and stopped to say hello.

Turns out Dano is a horror movie buff, who aspires to be a professional movie makeup artist. He's been studying the craft, and already has a handful of movie credits. Fans of "Zombies, Zombies, Zombies," have seen his work, which was also showcased in "Automaton Transfusion," and "Dead by Friday."

He and his partner Maria Gallagher have auditioned for "Face Off," a special effects makeup reality show on the Syfy channel. They hope to find out in the next few days whether they'll move on to the televised competition, and a chance to win $100,000, in  Los Angeles. He will also be giving a horror makeup demonstration at Screamfest, October 8-10.

Watching Dano arrange the four-inch strips of newspaper and coat them with paste, is almost therapeutic. He says that's why he started making pinatas in March. Whatever his inpiration, he has turned it into a business. One of his large character pinatas, sold prestuffed with candy, costs $140.

He sees real potential there. But his heart is still in makeup and he hopes to leverage any notoriety gained from Face Off into a full-time career.

Looking back, he says that while he never would have quit the high-paying restaurant position, he's been making the most of it.

"I think losing my job may be the best worst thing that has ever happened to me."

The good stuff:

papier mache
Centipede and Frogger
Dark Shadows
sharing good news
writing a novel
granola with raisins
gondola rides
celebrating 5 years of love and dreams come true