Friday, October 1, 2010

Beautiful plumage

Birds? Check. Paradise? Check. What's not to like? There are things in this world that deserve applause. The South African crane flower is one of them. Yeah, yeah. I know. It's called a bird of paradise. It's also called a Strelitzia if you want to get all uppity. This is another example of "found" beauty. I spotted an egret in some reeds along the southern shore of Lake Ivanhoe and stopped to take a picture. I found this next to the parking lot. The egret pick turned out okay, but this was the shot of the day. I mean, roses are nice and all, but every time I see a bird of paradise, I want to stage my own parade. Of course, I'd stage a parade for a dandelion -- tonight I'm riding my bike through downtown Orlando with Bike/Walk Central Florida to promote safe cycling -- but that's beside the point.

The good stuff:

whiskers on roses
and raindrops on kittens
doormen with strudels
and squirrels in my kitchen
brown trucks with packages
bringing me bling
(whole heap of zing let me do my own thing)
Little Early Pearlys in their curley whirlies
And caliopes crashed to the ground.
free association
oh, and Beaker, from the Muppets. (who looks just like a caliope pipe, if you think about it)


  1. You ain't right. But you are my bird of paradise.

  2. Won't be nothin' but big ol' hearts dancin' in our eyes.
