Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cactus vs Traveler Palm - Petit Cadeau, Big Pine Key

I’m not sure at what age we lose our sense of wonder. One day it just dawns on us that our swords and spyglasses are cardboard tubes and the pirate ship we swore we’d defend to the death is just the box the refrigerator came in. We look around to see if anyone is watching, and slink off to make a living. We call this growing up. I’m not sure when that happens, because I am bound and determined to go down with the ship. (It helps that I live in Florida, where our real life would make Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter throw down his hat and say: “That’s ridiculous!”) Peter Pan had the right idea. And I promise you, dear reader, that I will not waste your time with logic. Here you find only the ridiculous and the sublime. Things that make me happy, and real-life pictures viewed through my kaleidoscope. Welcome to Neverland, land of the edge dragons, where I assure you: Here be monsters. So raise your raisin box trumpet to the sky, saddle up that hobby horse, and fling yourself at the ground and miss.

1 comment:

  1. I have flung myself to the ground and missed. So fun to find you next to me here. I gotta go buy raisins so I can have the box.
